ZE4199 AC Circuit Network Trainer Electrical Installation Trainer Educational Equipment 1.The trainer should have following facilities: Study the characteristics of pure resistive circuit, inductive circuit, pure capacitive circuit. Study the characteristics of pure resistive parallel circuit, inductive parallel circuit, pure capacitive parallel circuit. Measuring current and voltage in a R-L series circuit, R-C series circuit and R-L-C series circuit and their drawing vector diagram. Construct vector diagram by measuring current and voltage of R-L parallel circuit, R-C parallel circuit and R-L-C parallel circuit. Determining the value of resistance, inductance, capacitance of R-L, R-C, R-L-C series circuit and drawing vector diagram. Determining the value of resistance, inductance, capacitance of R-L, R-C, R-L-C Parallel circuit and drawing vector diagram. Determining the effective or AC resistance of coil. Measuring the active power, reactive power, apparent power of an electrical load. Measuring the energy consumed by an electric circuit. Determining power factor of R-L, R-C, R-L-C series and parallel circuit. Determining phase sequence of 3-phase voltage source. Measuring line and phase voltage & current of 3-phase star connected inductive load and capacitive load. Measuring line and phase voltage & current of a 3-phase delta connected inductive load and capacitive load. Measuring three phase power by 3-wattmeter method of a balanced 3-phase star connected and delta connected capacitive load. Measuring power and neutral current of a 3 phase 4-wire unbalanced load and drawing vector diagram. Construct vector diagram by measuring current, voltage and power by 2 watt meter method in a balanced 3-phase star connected and delta connected inductive load. Measuring resonant frequency of a R-L-C series circuit and determining Q factor. Measuring resonant frequency of a R-L-C parallel circuit and determining Q factor. Improving power factor of a plant or load. Study the characteristics of PFI device. Other facilities; Special protection system for 440V direct short-circuit condition Three phase supply indication system 2.Power Supply: Power Source : Input voltage 1ϕ= 220V AC, 50Hz ; 3ϕ =380-440V AC ; Output Capacity: Resistive Load : 220V, Capacity 1-ϕ= 1200W (min); 3-ϕ =2000W(min); Inductive Load : 220V,50Hz. Capacity 1-ϕ= 120VAR-550VAR, 3-ϕ =350VAR(min); Capacitive Load : 220V, 50Hz, Capacity 1-ϕ= 200VAR, 3-ϕ =200VAR(min); Standard accessories with printed operation manual Brand: Shouldshine Manufacture: Jinan Should Shine Import And Export Co., Ltd.