ZM7129R Advanced modular refrigeration system Teaching Education Equipment For School Lab Compressor Trainer Equipment
Basic system for extension with additional modules to form various refrigerant cycles
Condensing unit consisting of hermetic compressor, condenser, collector, pressostat and shut-off valves
Insulated refrigeration chamber including evaporator, heater and condensate drip tra
Power supply with residual current operated device
Refrigeration chamber, condensing unit and power supply fitted with laboratory sockets
Air-cooled condensing unit:
power consumption: 485W at -10/32°C,
refrigerating capacity: 675W at -10/32°C
Max. airflow rate 850m³/h

Collector 1.4ltr
Pressostat values for switching on and off: - LP: On: 0.2bar,
Off: 1.2bar,
difference: 1bar - HP: On: 18bar,
Off: 22bar,
diff.: 4bar fixe
Evaporator with 2 fans
capacity: 190W at t=2°C,
temperature difference 8K,
heat exchanger surface area: 1.81m²,
Max. airflow rate: 140m³/h
Electric heater: 75W