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Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipment

Sediment Transport Demonstration Channel Teaching equipment Hydraulic Bench Equipment

Item No.: ZM8119
ZM8119 Sediment Transport Demonstration Channel Teaching equipment Hydraulic Bench Equipment

ZM8119 Sediment Transport Demonstration Channel Teaching equipment Hydraulic Bench Equipment
• Fixed, smooth bed flow
• Flow over a mobile sand-bed
• Mechanics of sediment transport
• Depositionary features and facies
• Local scour

• Flow structures
• Bedform hysteresis
• Computational work
• Flow over a fixed, gravel bed
Fixed, Smooth Bed Flow:
The flume may be used without sediment on the bed to demonstrate the following flow phenomena and governing equations:
• Tranquil, sub-critical flow - movement of surface waves upstream against flow
• Rapid, super-critical flow - dominance of intertial over gravity forces, 'shock waves' from flow obstructions
• Hydraulic jump - transition from super to sub critical flow, air entrainment, mixing
• Turbulence - flow visualisation for example by dye injection from a hypodermic syringe (not supplied)
• Flow measurement - using sharp crested weirs
• Governing equations of open channel flow - Reynolds' number, Froude number, continuity, Bernoulli's equation, weir equations