ZM7117 Pipe Surge and Water Hammer Apparatus Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipment Hydraulic Bench 1. Technical data Pipe section for pressure oscillations
- copper
- ball valve
- surge chamber, PMMA
height: approx.825mm inner diameter: approx. 50mm
Pipe section for water hammer
- copper
- distance between sensors:
approx. 3000mm
- solenoid valve, closing time: 20...30ms
Tank: approx. 50L
Supply unit Pump
- power consumption: approx. 550W
- max. flow rate: 230L/min
- max. head: 11m
Tank: 1x 180L, 1x 40L (approx.) 2. Related experiment Transient flow conditions
in pipe systems by means of experimentation
- demonstrating water hammer in pipes
- determining the sound velocity in water
- understanding how a surge chamber works
- natural frequency in the surge chamber